android mkdirs

Tonight I am currently having issues doing something that I thought would be simple... making a folder in /mnt/sdcard. I have set the follow permission: <uses-permission android ...

相關軟體 Folder Size 下載

Folder Size for Windows adds a new column to the Details view in Windows Explorer. The new column shows not only the size of files, but also the size of folders. It keeps track of which folders you vi...

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  • mkdirs() Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname, including any necessary bu...
    File | Android Developers
  • I use the following code: final File newFile = new File("/mnt/sdcard/test/"); ne...
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  • step by step but the result is the same. Please help me. I have googled so much and spent ...
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    Java.IO.File.Mkdirs Method - Developer Center - Xamarin